Renovation Mastery course

Learn to Renovate for Lifestyle and Profit
& Achieve Magazine-Worthy Results on a
Shoe-String Budget.

Make Profits or
Make it Personal...

Thinking of flipping homes for lifestyle and profit or simply renovating your own home? 

But don’t know where to start? Then we can help you!


We show you how to avoid blown budgets, indecision and unexpected problems that can arise if you’re flying blind.

Whether you’re renovating yourself or getting someone else to do the work for you, with our ‘Renovation Mastery’ Program, you can effortlessly handle every last detail like a seasoned pro.

Renovate with
Confidence and Ease...

We’ll show you how to handle every last detail with
confidence and ease.
Master the numbers, and the due diligence to find the best property to renovate without overwhelm or wasting time.

Calculate all costs and predict profits down to the
decimal to maximise ROI.

Renovate with precision.

Research + Acquire + Renovate + Profit/Equity Release

Full-Time Income,
Part-Time Hours...

Looking to transition from weekend renovator to professional flipper/investor? Just a single successful renovation and sale can provide a more than comfortable yearly income – without the typical gruelling 40+ hour work week.

Do two, three or more renovations in a year? Well, then your income is near limitless. Opportunity is in every suburban street.

Make renovating a second income that pays the bills and leaves a little extra for spending. Or turn it into a full-time career that’s infinitely more rewarding – financially and spiritually.

A Must for
Anyone Considering
Renovating – Today
or in the Future...

Our Renovation Mastery Course gives you all the
tools and knowledge you need to get started
right away.

With over 30 year’s experience renovating and investing, we’ll show you how to transition from weekend renovator to professional flipper/investor – quickly and without any costly mistakes.

What is in our Reno training…

  • Module 1: Ready. Get set. Go
    Finding the best location and identifying the right property for you to renovate. 
    Your 5-step Roadmap. Planning your property portfolio.  Due diligence. Accessing RP data, Property Investar, Lindamen reports, SQM and other essential data.
    Finance – getting funds through the bank, our broker or access to private money and money partners and they right type of loan for renovating. 
  • Module 2: The Numbers
    Property Feasibility spreadsheets and software. Costings and planning the best upgrades to ensure the highest ROI. Market trends and research data.
    TAX, the implications and minimising it legally.  Tax depreciation claims. The pros and cons of buying property in your name.
  • Module 3: Buying and Selling Property.
    We reveal secret Real Estate agent tactics and show you how to negotiate confidently, and present offers that win. How to secure discounted RE sales commissions when selling or sell by yourself.  Buyers Agents – use ours, or become efficient at finding good deals DIY.
  • Module 4:  Planning the Renovation.
    Scope of works, knowing what to do in what order, where to spend the money, establishing your trade team, setting budgets and timeframes. Insurance. Asbestos: the costs, dangers, rules and regulations.
  • Module 5: Renovating to rent, sell or keep. 
    Creating a designer look for less, which sells for more.  Tips on layouts, planning, SktechUp and other 3D programs for creating design and visualising your project. Exactly what is necessary to cosmetically upgrade property to sell fast. 
  • Module 6: Kitchen and Bathroom renovations.
    Budgets, products, plans and workable layouts, heights, distances, colours, tiles, taps, sinks and benchtops. Tips on making small rooms look larger.  Tiny budget bathrooms and kitchen finishes.
  • Module 7: Flooring.
    The right type and coloured flooring to use for each demographic.  Price and quality comparisons.  The latest in tiles, carpet, cement, micro cement, engineered timber, hybrid, and vinyl.
  • Module 8: Paint and Colour Mastery
    Master paint products and colours.  Choose your colour DIY, use our fail-proof guide or go directly to our colour consultant.  Bricks vs. painted bricks vs. render. Facades and external house colours and design. Painting tiles and what to do with existing ugly windows.
  • Module 9: Working with Tradies and Approvals
    On-site – managing tradies, checking quality. Growing your perfect A-team for future projects and to scale.  Structural renovations, Council approvals and certifications during the reno. Town Planners, Engineers and Architects.  Asbestos removal. 
  • Module 10: Budget and Crisis Management.
    Preventing overcapitalisation and averting disaster. Adjusting budgets and setting contingencies.  DIY vs. get everything done for you (hands-free renovating). Stress-free renovating from a distance, never being onsite.
  • Module 11: Styling and Staging
    Make buyers connect emotionally with your property. Tips for DIY styling and staging on a budget – where to hire furniture, how to create vignettes, costs and prepping the house for sale.  Source stylists from inside our community or hiring externally.  Artwork. Real Estate photography and ad copy. What you need to know to sell for more.
  • Module 12Evaluate. Rest. Restrategise.
    Creating the best opportunity from the profit of a reno flip, or use the equity created through renovating. How to evaluate, start another reno or take a holiday.  Or build a property portfolio with long-term goals in mind. We work through the numbers of these options.

Training, Coaching and Mentoring

Thats Personal

Your success is our success! Unlike other property courses, our relationship is personal. You have direct access to the R.A.R.E Team anytime you need, via…

Private Renovation MasteryFacebook Group

3-Day Live

Online Training, Live Chats and &
full support


Direct Access
via Direct Message
or SMS

If You Join Renovation Mastery, you'll get:

Partner Access! *Bonus 1

Spouse or your renovation business partner included.

Live Event Access *Bonus 2

To our next live, in-person renovation event (members only)

Joint Venture Scripts *Bonus 3

To secure an JV investment partner

Life Time Access *Bonus 4

For you and a partner

As a Skilled Renovator, Beautiful,
Magazine-Worthy Homes Become Your Forte

Join an Empowered

Rookie or seasoned flipper, when you join the Renovate and Real Estate community you’ll be
surrounded by enthusiastic, nurturing and supportive renovators.

Ours is no ordinary community. You’ve found a collective of hundreds of passionate, positive and empowered renovators who turned a simple spark of an idea into something bigger.

Learn everything you need to know to design, style and  create beautiful home and sales-record breaking  investment properties – even if you have
zero renovating experience

First Timers & Seasoned Investors Walk Away as Renovation Pros


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